Season of Change: Are You Prepared?

Season of Change: Are You Prepared?

September, not quite fall and not quite summer, the in-between. A natural pause earth gives us to prepare for the change to come. We can learn a lot from the seasons. Whether you have kiddos going back to school, going off to college, starting a new job, moving, welcoming a new baby into your family like me, or have stirrings of change within you we can take a lesson from September, using the in-between time, to prepare for the change to come. Check out ways to prepare for the next season of change in your life below! 

Body: When it comes to changes in routine or schedule preparing how we will nourish our bodies is essential. 

Ideas to prepare your body:

  • Meal plan to help reduce day of stress and time. 
    • Make it fun! Assign a day of the week to each family member who then gets to choose the dinner recipe that day. If you have kiddos, let them help cook on their recipe day.
    • Make it in advance! Great for breakfast and lunches, choose a few recipes that can made in bulk ahead of time that are easy to grab and go or heat up the day of.

How I am preparing my body for Baby T’s arrival:

  • Check out these freezer-friendly meals I am prepping for postpartum here
  • I also love the Expecting and Empowered app, which has helped me stay motivated to move my body throughout pregnancy and prepare for labor and delivery! Check them out here

Heart: When it comes to change, taking inventory of what your heart needs to feel ready for the change is an important step in preparation. 

Ideas to prepare your heart:

  • Reflect on what you love about the season you are in right now.
  • Express gratitude for all this current season has given you.
  • Be intentional about the moments you have left in this current season before you transition into the next.

How I am preparing my heart for Baby T’s arrival:

  • My husband and I started weekly date nights throughout my pregnancy. This ritual has allowed us to cherish the limited time of being just us two, dream about our new future together as parents, express gratitude for all our experiences that led us to this next chapter, and of course, have some fun! 

Mind: Change can feel overwhelming and scary and also really exciting. Take time to explore what emotions come up for you as you prepare for change. 

Ideas to prepare your mind:

  • Journal how you are feeling. You don’t even have to use full sentences just anything and everything that comes up for you when you think about the change, put it on paper. Often emotions can take up space in our minds and once it's down on paper or spoken to a loved one, we give our mind the space it needs to process and make peace. 
  • Try a meditation. When we are approaching a change, our minds can race with all the unknowns. If you find your mind racing, try a guided meditation to help bring you back to the present and let your racing thoughts go.

How I am preparing my mind for Baby T’s arrival:

  • I am trying to take quiet time (while I still have it) in the morning to journal. Capturing all my thoughts, worries, hopes, memories, and pregnancy milestones. A safe place to let me express whatever I may be feeling. Checkout my favorite journal offered at jgoods here
  • I have also been using the Birth Box by Pop that Mumma for guided meditation throughout pregnancy to prepare my mind for labor and delivery, check them out here

Are you or a loved one preparing for the arrival of a baby? Grab your friends and family and throw a nesting party so the momma-to-be isn't preparing alone! We got you covered with our nesting party checklist taking the guesswork out of what and how to prepare. Download here!

The in-between is often overlooked yet is an important part of the flow of life, the pause we need to prepare. How do you prepare for change in your life? 

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